Thursday, February 19, 2009

So it's now 1:20am, I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT! My god, with the help of my girlfriend, we both some how figured out WIKIPEDIA and how to post articles. And to be honest, once we figured it out, it wasn't hard at all (stupid us). Let's just hope it doesn't get deleted.
Well still sick, I'm looking at a whole month here. Not cool.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Well glad to see I got that all figured out and done before 12. Wasn't as hard as I had thought. Guess I need to read my syllabus a tad more huh?
Well onto paper one. I've decided my topic, printed out articles and information regarding the topic of choice and now I need to actually sit down and put this together.
So this past week/weekend has been rather rough. I've had this awful chest cold and can't seem to get rid of it. I'm assuming a doctors visit is necessary. Besides that, I'm having a real hard time locating the website for the Workshops. Any help.. would be awesome. Has everyone already completed their Writing Workshop assignment #1 or am I the only one who's behind? Pretty frustrated right now!